Varilight Matrix is a new system devised to help you easily create your bespoke dimmer. The dimmer pack (faceplate kit) comes with everything you need except the dimmer module, so all you need to get is your modules to create the dimmer you need making it easier, more ecological and economical for you to create bespoke dimmers.
Help with which dimmer pack (faceplate kit) and dimmer modules to choose is available straight away if you know the product code for the dimmer you want to create. If so, type the dimmer product code into the search box at the top of this page and click the search button. You will be taken to a Data Sheet where the Matrix components you require will be listed under the product code at the top of the Data Sheet.
No dimmer product code? No problem. Take a look at the information below and, if you need further help, contact Varilight Customer Services.
Dimmer packs include a faceplate, knob(s), nut(s) and a spanner.
See below for information on the module sizes permitted on particular faceplate sizes, and the maximum wattages allowed per faceplate.
You can find product codes and data sheets for Matrix dimmer packs using our online catalogue. Click through to the faceplate style and finish to find the full range listing page where the Matrix dimmer packs are listed.
Part Code Example | Description | Module Size Permitted |
Max Total Plate Wattage (LED) |
W*1 |
1-Gang Matrix Faceplate Kit
S,M,L, WiFi | 400 |
W*D1 | 1-Gang Matrix Faceplate Kit (Twin Plate) | S,M,L,XL, WiFi | 600 |
W*2 |
2-Gang Matrix Faceplate Kit
WiFi (for use with WQ2W only) |
400 |
W*D2 | 2-Gang Matrix Faceplate Kit (Twin Plate) | S,M,L, WiFi | 600 |
W*D3 | 3-Gang Matrix Faceplate Kit (Twin Plate) |
S (for use with all finishes),
M (for use with all finishes excluding WQD3W) WiFi (for use with all finishes) |
600 |
W*D4 | 4-Gang Matrix Faceplate Kit (Twin Plate) |
WiFi (for use with WQD4W only) |
600 |
See below for a full list of Matrix dimmer modules, including module sizing to correspond with the chart above. All of these can also be used to replace existing dimmer modules.
Part Code (Click for Datasheet) | Dimmer Series | Product Description |
Module Size (S, M, L or XL) |
Product Dimensions (Click for full dimensions) |
MJP120 |
V-Pro | 2-Way Push-on Push-off Module 0-120W LED | S | 52x26x42mm |
MJP300 |
V-Pro | 2-Way Push-on Push-off Module 0-300W LED | S | 52x26x42mm |
MJSM100 |
V-Pro Smart | V-Pro Smart Master WiFi Dimmer 120W LED | WiFi | 53x31x45mm |
MJM100 |
V-Pro Smart | Master Dimmer 1 x 120W LED (2-Way with Supplementary Controller) | S |
40x22x44mm |
V-Pro Smart | V-Pro Smart Supplementary Controller | S | 40x22x44mm |
V-Pro Smart | V-Pro Smart Non-WiFi Dimmer Kit 120W LED for 2-Way Circuits | S | 40x22x44mm x 2 |
V-Pro Smart | V-Pro Smart Non-WiFi Dimmer Kit 120W LED for 3-Way Circuits | S | 40x22x44mm x 3 |
MKP100 |
V-Com | 2-Way Push-on Push-off Module 0-100W LED | S | 52x26x42mm |
MKP180 |
V-Com | 2-Way Push-on Push-off Module 15-180W LED | S |
53x28x42mm |
MKP220 |
V-Com | 2-Way Push-on Push-off Module 20-220W LED | M | 50x37x45mm |
MKP400 |
V-Com | 2-Way Push-on Push-off Module 20-400W LED | M | 50x37x45mm |
MKP600 |
V-Com | 2-Way Push-on Push-off Module 40-600W LED | XL |
67x106x47mm |
MFP1M1 |
V-Dim | 2-Way 1-10V Module for multiple drivers requiring 1-10V input | S | 50x23x42mm |
MH0 |
Dummy | 2-Way 6A Push-on Push-off Switch Module (Dummy Dimmer) | S | 50x26x42mm |
Dummy | Intermediate 6A Push-on Push-off Switch Module (Dummy Dimmer) | S | 50x26x42mm |
MIP302 |
V-Plus | 2-Way Push-on Push-off Module 40-300W | S |
52x26x42mm |
MIP400 |
V-Plus | 2-Way Push-on Push-off Module 40-400W | M |
52x26x42mm |
MIP700 |
V-Plus | 2-Way Push-on Push-off Module 60-700W | L | 64x58x46mm |
MIP1000 |
V-Plus | 2-Way Push-on Push-off Module 100-1000W | L |
64x58x46mm |
MTR250 |
V-Dim | 1-Way Rotary Module 40-250W | S |
53x28x43mm |
V-Dim | 1-Way Rotary Fan Regulator Module 40-250W | S | 53x28x43mm |
MTR402 |
V-Dim | 1-Way Rotary Dimmer Module 60-400W | S | 53x28x43mm |
MTP250 |
V-Dim | 2-Way Push-on Push-off Module 40-250W | S | 53x28x43mm |
MTP402 |
V-Dim | 2-Way Push-on Push-off Module 60-400W | S |
53x28x43mm |
MTP500 |
V-Dim | 2-Way Push-on Push-off Module 60-500W | M | 50x37x45mm |
MTR1000 |
V-Dim | 1-Way Rotary Module Module 200-1000W | L | 64x58x42mm |
To speak to an advisor please call
01293 223333
Mon-Fri 08:30-12:30 ; 13:30-17:00.
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